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I'm learning Python!!!

I had washed my hands off programming 10 years ago. Can also be read as -“programming washed its hands off me 10 years ago” - we’ll debate this on a rainy day. Recently the idea resurfaced and miracle of miracles, I’ve been resuscitated!

I’m learning Python!!! Ahhh I know.. I can hear you purists mocking already.. But give the man a break wont you. I’ve at least learnt to make use of well-written-geek-code. I’m so happy to know you could survive just knowing variables, for and while loops, lists, dictionaries and tuples.

The resources I learned from played a key role in me getting to like what I was learning. I found the following useful (by order of usage):

  • Learn Python the Hard Way - The author could be a bit ‘on your face’ but it will help if your focus is only the content. The approach is to learn by doing exercises. The narrative could be a bit strange and concepts could be a bit hazy, but you could try doing at least 43 to 45 exercises. I stopped at 43.

  • Dive into Python makes a lot of things clearer (I didn’t regret starting off with LPTHW though). I’m not saying, ‘don’t start off with ‘Dive into Python’. You may find DIP better - depends on one’s taste and learning capabilities I suspect.

  • Google’s python class - is a fantastic resource. Nick Parlante’s video lectures are lively and exciting. The exercises are great.

Personally I’m glad I did LPTHW first, DIP next and then the Google Python class.

Okie.. So whats next? I’m going to be sharing what I’ve been learning with all of you.

And by the way, please let me know about your experience with the resources you use to learn python and also on the ones I’ve mentioned. Thats going to be a big help for all of us!

See you soon with some useful stuff. Before you go check this out!