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The Fish Tank

When we moved down to Coimbatore from the Nilgiris, each one of us in the family felt like fish out of the waters. We missed the green hills, the walks in the woods (we walked all the time !!!), the fog, the dew, the pear grove, the wild flowers, the ‘stone’ church, the ‘Nilgiri summer’, the monsoon…. I still miss them.

Coimbatore(cough) is a desert. Eventually we ‘settled’ down at Coimbatore (manchester of etc etc.. cough cough). Dad bought a house and started making it a home. He set out to create a Nilgiri home right in the middle of concrete Coimbatore.

One thing always in his heart was a fish-tank. We had two glass ones in the hills, but had to part with them when we moved. Dad wanted a fish-tank and he wanted it badly.

Back home from work one evening I found a round concrete structure built in the porch. It was a concrete-fish-tank!!!