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In Memory of Manohar Josam

Mano chithappa’s(uncle’s) sunset years were glorious. For most part of his life he had suffered, but the last 2 years had been victorious. The LORD JESUS CHRIST touched him and he was a different man.

Matthew 19:30 says ”..many who are first will be last, and the last first.” What rejoicing must have been in heaven when the LORD found his lost sheep. Matthew 18:13 says, “…he rejoices more over that sheep than over the ninety-nine that did not go astray.”

Chithappa didn’t travel much. He lived in a quiet part of the hills in Coonoor, India. A master at making cobbled paths, he put his heart and soul into maintaining the garden. Walk past the plum trees and the beehives and they would whisper his name.

I am grateful to God for what He has done for chithapa. Now he is where ‘there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain…’

I heard his sleep was peaceful. We will miss him, but the thought of meeting him on the other side brings so much hope and the strength to carry on.